LY-402-HK Lanyards
If LY-401-HK Lanyards Are Out Of Stock!
In-Stock Size: 1/8"(D)x36"(L)
In-Stock Colors: 13 Colors
Available: Black, red, royal blue, white and green color pricing as listed.+$0.05 / each to gold, teal, purple, brown, burgundy, yellow, pink and RWB (Red-White-Blue Strips) colors.
Hardware Attachment: Swivel Hooks (J-Hooks)
Material: Nylon Braided Round Cord

Custom Length: Any custom length available,
minimum order 50 pcs.
Custom Color: Any custom Pantone color round
cord available with a minimum order of 3,000 pcs.
Custom Hardware: A variety of custom
hardware attachments, buckles or connectors available.